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10 Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom


For most parents, those three little words are what you have been waiting for for WEEKS. You have been biding your time and (im)patiently waiting for the day that the kids will get their butts back to school and back into a routine. Now, along with this excitement of finally (maybe, hopefully) getting some time to yourself comes along with what I like to call the “Back to School Battle.” With it comes the hours of fighting over homework, making sure they get from piano to softball to BETA club all in one afternoon, and all while getting them to bed at a decent time just to do it all over again in the morning.

“The Back to School Battle” can truly feel unwinnable at times and it is perfectly NORMAL for you to get overwhelmed with it all.

Attached below is a free printable of the top 10 tips for the overwhelmed mom that you can utilize while carrying on the fight.

And most of all, REMEMBER – don’t be too hard on yourself. you are doing the BEST you can.

Written by: Brooklynn Oney